Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's not who you know, but Who knows You!

In today’s business climate, we know it is important to continually prospect for new business, if we want to keep the pipeline of new business full and increase our sphere of influence.

Becoming known is, first , a matter of being out there. Remember what Woody Allen said: "80% of success is showing up." Next, you must be willing to shamelessly be obvious - not pushy and obnoxious, but proud of what you do, realizing your skills are an answer to a problem for people.
One of our clients recently mentioned how uncomfortable it was to prospect and network. The "let's do lunch", insincere passing out of cards and asking for business that became the hallmark of 80's networking has left a bad taste in some of our mouths. The new model is that of attracting business and adding value for people. Relationship marketing is healthy, exciting and fun! If you struggle with how to network without seeming self-serving, here are some tips which may make it easier.

The Evjen and Associates Tips for Successful Networking:

1. Find Out Who the Other Person Is: If you are genuinely curious about others, it is easier to start conversations. People usually love talking about themselves. Make the goal in your conversations to connect rather than impress. It's like a treasure hunt to find out as much as you can about the other person. The more interests and experiences you have in common, the easier it is to connect and remember each other the next time you meet.

2. Network Everywhere: Use every opportunity you have to meet and network. The grocery store line, the gas station. Wear a nametag if you have one and be shameless. Just ask people if they know of anyone who needs a great service or business like yours?

3. WIIFT? What's In It For Them?: Develop a 30 second introduction that clearly states a benefit for the person you are meeting. Ideally, your introduction is a positioning statement that let's them know how you can help them or someone they know. How what you do is different or better than others. Practice this introduction so you can say it in your sleep.

4. Give First: or as Harvey Mackay says in his networking book "Dig Your Well BEFORE You Are Thirsty", you should give to your network at every opportunity. depositing into the bank account of reciprocity. People don't like owing favors and will try to keep things even by giving back to you.

5. Go Where You Are Known & Loved: Some people hesitate to ask for business from their friends or their spheres of influence, fearing they will come across as opportunistic and obnoxious. However, most people would rather do business with someone they know, someone they like and trust and/or someone who does business with them. Be shamelessly proud of what you do. Remember you are marketing, You, Inc.

6. Give First: or as our client, Kevin Gilligham of SafeHarbor says " When you get up each morning, think of who you can give business to today". Kevin's business has thrived because he is generous and creative in sending business to others.

7. Know Your Target Market: and provide a solution to a problem they have. If you are very clear about who your perfect client is and what their needs are, it will be easy for you to offer services and ways of doing business with you that will appeal to them. It's harder to build a business as a generalist, trying to serve every buyer & seller. Focus more narrowly and get very creative in discovering what unique needs your perfect client has.

8. Give First: or as Napoleon Hill says in his classic book "Think and Grow Rich", use the mastermind principle: "When a group of individual brains are coordinated and function in harmony, the increased energy created through the alliance becomes available to every individual brain in the group." Hill cites examples of people who did just that: Henry Ford and Mahatma Ghandi.

9. Expand Your Network: Continually adding new contacts, resources and people who are experts to your database is a way to be a resource for others and increase the opportunities of reciprocal business. Remember, it expands the “Who knows You” philosophy and will produce returns to you tenfold.

10. Six Degrees of Separation: Here's a game I like to play, using the theory of Six Degrees of Separation (that we are only six people away from finding out anything we need to know.) In talking to people, discover who or what they know that is something you've been needing or wanting to find out. Ask questions and watch what happens. You'll find people have hobbies and interests you would have never dreamed of or that they are related to someone, grew up with someone, or now are friends with someone that would make a difference to you. Be curious and what you will find out will surprise you. Everything you need has been provided for you!

Networking is creating connections and building great relationships. Enjoy being out there and remember that by letting others know about you, creating your brand for them to remember, you will learn about them and great connections will be made. This equals business growth for both of you. Remember to use social networking tools to get your message out to the masses.